Anyways, this is WAR! The commander in chief has now authorized a troop surge aimed at eliminating enemy insurgents and their offspring. Civilian casualties are expected...nay...anticipated....the Geneva conventions don't apply in MY garden B$&CH! Genocide is the order of the day. Please prepare yourself...the following pictures are particularly gruesome:
As with all warring nations, however, I constantly try to maintain a semblance of peace and order on the home front. This means making more babies. Specifically, baby tomatoes, squash, beans, and peppers to replace those that have died in service of this great country. This is the third time I've tried to start from seeds this spring alone, and I just hope they sprout and grow strong and tall this time around. Unfortunately Lou the cat is fighting for the enemy and just this morning decided the infirmary would be a great place to play around. Damn you LOU!
The Infirmary